Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's Almost Over...

The END of my insane 2 months with a newborn and an 18 month old is quickly approaching! Mike will be back in a few days after basically being gone for the past 7 months. In the mean time, we had our second little boy on September 5th. I was almost 2 weeks overdue and had to be induced..but of course, he was worth the wait. Kellen Michael Kinter was born at 9:02 pm, weighed 9lbs 1oz and was 22" long. He is a very sweet baby and loves to smile. Tyson is adjusting pretty well and is always concerned about "Brother". Although he sometimes hits his brother or throws balls at him as if he is going to throw it back...and sometimes he bites him or tries to feed him his big boy food... but then he also gives him kisses and loves to play with his feet. So needless to say the past two months alone with the two of them has been interesting and at times I wanted to crawl into the closet and hide for about 4 hours, but in the end, we survived. My mommy brain is now double forgetful and I don't normally have time to even sit at my computer so this is really a novelty to have the time to update our blog but I felt that I needed to get some pictures up of Kellen and show his adorable face off to our friends.

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